escaping my name

Somewhere out there is a site baring my name. I spent a lot of time on it. Many weekends and weeknights went into the design, then the redesign, then the redesign after that. Then I started this one.

That other one is still out there, going strong. But there's only so much I can say with my name emblazoned on it. Everything I write on it is a google away from old friends, current friends, future friends, employers, business contacts, etc. So I blog about technical things, general things, things that I would happily tell any stranger.

Not so here. Here, in this space apart, I take advantage of one gift provided by the internet architects. Anonymity. I know it's an illusion. I'm not really anonymous, no doubt I've left thousands of digital bread crumbs leading anyone with the right '3lite skilz' directly to this virtual doorstep.

But as long as that's what it takes to put my name with my writings, I'll take this bit of freedom with a smile--joining the ranks of anonymity (though not talent) with Lewis Caroll, Mark Twain, George Eliot and even Boz.


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